İngilizce İş Sözleşmesi

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Ynt: İngilizce İş Sözleşmesi


İnglizce olarak Belirli Süreli iş sözleşmesine ihtiyaç duymanız, sanırım firmanız kurumsallaşmış görüntüsü olduğuna işarettir. Dolayısıyla ingilizce bilen bir personel olduğu da kesindir. Hazırlamış olduğunuz Türkçe iş sözleşmesini çeviri yaptırabilirsiniz.

Böyle bir imkanınız yoksa da, yine hazırlamış olduğunuz Belirli Süreli iş sözleşmesini tercümanlık bürolarında cüzi bir meblağ ile işinizi çözebilirsiniz.

Bunlardan hariç velev ki ingilizce olarak sözleşme buldunuz, bunun içierisinde değişiklik yapmak istediğinizde yine tıkanabilir ve dışarıdan yardım alma çabası içerisine girebilirsiniz. Çünkü her firmanın kendine has iş sözleşmeleri olur ki, buda sizin işinizi ne kadar görür.

It is with great pleasure that I wish to confirm your appointment on a fixed term contract defined by time as ______________________ (Job Title) with effect from ________________ (Date) to ________________(Date), based on the following terms and conditions of employment:

1. Primary Duties
1.1 You will be employed primarily in the capacity of ________________ reporting to ________________ and employed at ________________ to perform the duties set out in your job description, a copy of which is attached hereto.
1.2 It is a specific term and condition of your employment that you may be required to perform other duties and responsibilities in the course and scope of your employment with the Company. Your job title does not define or restrict your duties and you may be required to undertake other work within your abilities at the request of the Company, and any refusal to comply with such request constitutes a breach of your contract of employment.
1.3 You shall, unless prevented by ill-health or accident and except during holidays permitted in terms of your contract of employment with the Company, devote your usual working hours, attention and abilities to the proper, loyal and efficient conduct, improvement, extension, development, promotion, protection and preservation of the business, reputation and goodwill of the Company and not do anything which is harmful to it.
1.4 You may be required to tender your services at any other premises designated by the Company upon reasonable notice, and any refusal to comply with such request constitutes a breach of your contract of employment.
2. Basic Salary
2.1 You will receive a basic monthly salary of RM ________________ for the contract period, which will be paid to you by no later than the 7th of the following month.
2.2 From this amount deductions for EPF, SOCSO, and Income Tax Monthly Deductions and any other amounts required by law or authorised by yourself and agreed to by the Company may be made.
3. Public Holidays
3.1 You will enjoy all public holidays as observed by the company.2.3 Any other allowances or payments due to you will be paid to you on termination of your contract of employment.
4. Working Hours
4.1 Your working hours shall be:
Mondays – Fridays
5. Overtime
5.1 You will not be entitled to claim for overtime work.
6. Annual Leave
6.1 You will be entitled to one day’s annual leave in respect of every 17 days on which you worked or was entitled to be paid, provided you have been in the employ of the Company for more than four (4) months. Leave must be taken at a time which is mutually convenient to both yourself and the company.
7. Termination & Lay-off Benefits
7.1 As this contract is for a fixed term, you will not be entitled to any termination, lay-off, discharge or severance benefits upon termination of such contract.
8. Sick Leave (excluding Hospitalisation)
5.1 You may seek out-patient medical treatment at any of our company’s panel clinics.
5.2 You will be entitled to one day’s sick leave for every completed month of employment.
6. Annual Bonus
6.1 You shall not be entitled to any annual bonus or any other ex-gratia payments unless specifically stated or agreed upon in writing.
7. Termination of Employment & Notice Period
7.1 Your contract of employment will terminate on ________________(Date).
7.2 It is specifically recorded that there will be no expectation that your contract of employment will be renewed or prolonged beyond the date of completion as aforesaid. The termination of this contract as provided for in this agreement shall not be construed as being a retrenchment but shall be completion of the contract.
7.3 Either party can terminate this contract by givng each other one calendar month’s notice other than for reasons of disciplinary actions.
8. Confidentiality and Disclosure Clause
8.1 You shall not at any time during the currency or after the termination of your employment with the Company:
8.1.1 divulge to any person, without the Company’s consent:-
(a) any information relating to the trade secrets or trade connections of the company
(b) or any confidential information concerning the Company’s business or affairs,
(c) and in particular any information pertaining to the salaries and wages and personnel records and details of any employees currently in the employ, previously employed or prospective employment of the Company, including but not limited to any details pertaining to any trade connections (including but not limited to any contractors, suppliers, clients or agents) employed by or for and on behalf of the Company,
8.1.2 or be entitled, whether for your own benefit or that of others, to make use of or disclose to others or avail yourself or others of or derive profit or benefit from, any information concerning the business or affairs of the Company or its clients, suppliers or trade connections, which you may have acquired by reason of your position or association with the business and affairs of the Company or its clients.
8.2 You shall furthermore hand over all information and documents (including but not limited to any training materials, standards or operating manuals and equipment) including any and all copies or reproductions thereof in whatsoever manner or form to the Company on giving or being provided with notice of termination of your employment with the Company.
Kindly sign the original of this letter, initialling all pages, and return it to the Company on or before the commencement of this contract of employment. Your signature on this letter indicates your formal acceptance of the terms and conditions set out herein. Your signed copy of this letter is for record purposes and will be placed in your personal file.

I would like to take this opportunity of welcoming you to ____________ and wish you a long and successful career with the Company.

Yours sincerely

I have received a copy of this letter. I confirm that the contents hereof have been explained to me and that I understand and accept the terms and conditions of employment contained therein.

[h=1]Sample terms and conditions for fixed-term employees[/h] The document sets out the main particulars of the terms and conditions of your employment.
1. Parties to the Contract
Organisation name and address ___________________________________________________
Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms ________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
2. Place of work
Your normal place of work will be __________________________________
However, from time to time you may be required to work at other sites and, if work reasons demand it, to transfer to another place of work.
3. Duration of employment
[If the contract is being renewed] Your temporary employment with the organisation started on
and counts for these purposes as continuous employment. The duration of this contract is for a period of_________________and is expected to be completed by________________________.

Your temporary employment with the organisation starts on _________________ . There is no previous employment that counts as continuous. The employment is for a period of _________________ and is expected to be completed by __________________.
4. Job title
Brief description of duties: ____________________________________________________
5. Normal hours of work
Your normal hours of work are __________ to __________ , with __________ for lunch. Employees are expected to co-operate by working outside these hours if necessary and within reason.
Overtime is/is not paid. (Overtime pay is £__________ .)
Time off in lieu may/may not be taken.
6. Probation period
There is a probation period of _______________ for new employees, during which time you shall be entitled to one week's notice. The disciplinary scheme shall not apply during this period.
7. Pay
Your pay is £__________ per annum. This is payable monthly [For example in arrears on the last Thursday of each month by cheque/bank transfer.] The organisation is authorised to deduct any sums due to it from you from your salary or from any other sums due to you in respect of your employment or its termination.
8. Holiday entitlement:
Your holiday entitlement will be _____ days per year, plus public holidays.
During your first year of employment, you will accumulate _____ days for each full month of employment. Holidays must be agreed with your supervisor or manager as early as possible.
Unused holiday cannot be carried over from one year to the next unless in exceptional circumstances (i.e. due to long term sickness absence). On termination of employment, holiday pay will be calculated to the nearest full month worked. If an employee has already taken leave which has not been worked for, any excess holiday pay will be deducted from the final salary.
9. Absence from work
If you are unable to come to work for any reason, you must inform (For example your line manager) by _____ am on the first day of absence. You should indicate the reason for your absence and its likely duration..
10. Absence through sickness
All days of absence must be covered by a certificate. For the first seven days, including weekends, a self-certificate must be completed. For illness of more than seven days, including weekends, a doctor's certificate must be produced on the eighth day and weekly thereafter. The organisation may require you to be medically examined.
11. Sick pay
Employees will be paid sick pay in accordance with the Statutory Sick Pay Scheme (SSP).
Employees will receive full pay less any entitlement for Statutory Sick Pay for the first _____ weeks of certified sickness in any 12-month period and Statutory Sick Pay thereafter. Payment is conditional upon the notification and certification requirements set out above being complied with.
12. Pensions
The organisation does not have a pension scheme. You should make your own pension arrangements if required. There is no contracting-out certificate for this employment. [Note the requirements under the Stakeholder Pension Regulations 2000 to provide access to a pension scheme if there are five or more employees]
Details of the pension scheme are available from: ______________________________. [Note the requirement to treat fixed-term employees in the same way as permanent staff, unless less favourable treatment can be objectively justified]
13. Retirement
The contractual and normal retirement age will be __________ years for all employees. Early retirement may be taken with the consent of the organisation.
14. Other employment
Employees are required to obtain consent from the organisation prior to taking second jobs.
15. Termination of employment
If you wish to terminate your employment with the organisation, you are required to give four weeks' notice in writing. Should the organisation wish to terminate your employment, for reasons other than gross misconduct, you will be entitled to notice as follows:
Up to four years' employment: Four weeks
16. Disciplinary and grievance procedure
Copies of these procedures are attached but do not form part of your contract of employment and they may be varied from time to time.
17. Suspension
The employer reserves the right to suspend you from work during any investigation or during disciplinary or grievance proceedings.
18. Bullying and Harrassment
[Name of Organisation] supports a working environment and culture in which bullying and harassment is unacceptable. Bullying and Harassment will be treated as a disciplinary offence and where allegations are founded, may lead to summary dismissal. A copy of the Organisation’s Bullying and Harassment Policy can be found in the employee handbook. The policy does not form part of your contract of employment and may be varied from time to time.
19. Whistleblowing
[Name of Organisation] encourages employees to raise serious concerns within the Organisation. Should you wish to raise a concern, you should do so in accordance with the Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure which can be found in the employee handbook. The policy does not form part of your contract of employment and may be varied from time to time.
20. Health and safety at work
[Optional] Employees are reminded that they have a statutory duty to observe all health and safety rules and to take all reasonable care to promote the health and safety at work of themselves and their fellow employees. Wilful breaches of the health and safety policy will be dealt with through the disciplinary procedure.
21. Data protection
The organisation holds and uses the data in your personnel file to enforce its rights and meet its obligations as an employer. Your signature on this contract shows you consent to the holding and use of such data by the organisation.
22. Variation to Contract
Proposed variations to this contract will be notified to employees and a period of consultation entered into with the aim of reaching an agreement. The employer reserves the right at the end of the period of consultation to vary the contract of employment.
23. Collective Agreements
This contract is effected by a collective agreement between ___________________ and ___________________
There are no collective agreements in force governing this contract.
Signed on behalf of the organisation: ___________________________________________________
Name: ____________________ Job title: ____________________ Date: ____________________
Employee: I agree to the terms and conditions of this contract, and acknowledge that I have received a copy.
Employee's signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________________
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